16/17 november 2024 – Rome Orienteering Festival

italiano | english

An orienteering weekend in the eastern suburbs of Rome, with four events in two days:

  • Saturday 16.11 afternoon (first start at 2pm): Foot-O sprint race and Trail-O temp-o in Colli Aniene
  • Sunday 17.11 morning (first start at 10am): Foot-O “spriddle” race and Trail-O relay in Ponte di Nona

* Italian National Federation members need to register via FISO website


Colli Aniene Foot-O: results / split times / Livelox
Colli Aniene TempO: results / detail / solutions

Ponte di Nona Foot-O: results / split times / Livelox
Ponte di Nona Trail-O: results individualrelay / detail individualrelay / solutions

Foot-O+Trail-O combined standings: 1. Michele Fiocca / 2. Andreina Brandi / 3. Adrienne Brandi

Bulletin n.1 (in Italian only)
Start times: all races by class / by club – Foot-O only saturdaysunday
Entries list (updated 12.11.2024 h24): by class / by club


Saturday 16.11 @ Colli Aniene:

  • 13.00 event centre opens in the park along via Bardanzellu (GPS coord. 41.91447, 12.57701) – be careful not to cross the embargoed areas when walking to the event centre (see the attached map at the bottom)!!!
  • 14.00 TempO first start next to the event centre (if competing in both races, you must start with Trail-O)
  • 14.00 Foot-O first start, distance 300m from event centre or 250m from TempO last station
  • 15.45 quarantine starts for top-6 classified in TempO
  • 16.00 final public station of Temp-O, then prize giving (only winners of competitive classes)

Domenica 17.11 a Ponte di Nona:

  • 9.30 event centre opens in the playground in via Bonifati (GPS coord. 41.91551, 12.65826)
  • 10.30 Foot-O first start next to the event centre
  • 11.00 Trail-O first start next to the event centre (if competing in both races, you must start with Foot-O)
  • 13.00 prize giving (only winners of competitive classes + top-3 of combined standings in M/W Elite)

Competition classes:

  • Foot-O events: M/W 11-14 | 15-18 | Elite | B | 45+ | 65+
  • Trail-O events: Open Elite | Physically Challenged
  • non competite classes (all events): Beginners | Direct

Courses (final):

* course length calculated along the best route choices; climb is negligible

Temp-O (all courses): 4 stations with 6 flags and 5 tasks + 1 public station for the top-6 classified (Elite only)
Trail-O relay (all courses): 1 Temp-O station + 15 Pre-O A/Z tasks in sprint mode (maximum time 20′)


  • Colli Aniene has been used recently for official trainings in 2023 and 2022 – ISSprOM 1:4.000 2m
  • Roma Est is a brand new map (march 2023 + survey october 2024) – ISSprOM 1:4.000 2,5m

Both Trail-O races will use an enlarged map in 1:3.000 scale.

Entry fees:

  • Foot-O events: 10€ for Elite/B/45/65 classes | 5€ for 14/18 and non competitive classes
  • Trail-O events: 7€ for OpenElite/PhCh | 4€ for non competitive classes
  • 4-event bundle 30€ (18€ for under-18 participating in competitive classes)
  • Rental: 2€/day for a SI-Card | 3€/day for a GPS tracker

Entry deadline:

  • until tuesday 12th november: base fee as above
  • until thursday 14th november: +50% charge on entry fee and rental


No later than thursday 14th november with one of the following methods:

  • bank transfer to A.S.D. Orsa Maggiore IBAN IT40C0623003223000015148054 / CRPPIT2PXXX – send us the receipt
  • online credit/debit card – just contact us to receive the payment link (pay-by-link powered by NEXI)


Awarded to the winners of each class on both days plus the first three Elite (men and women mixed) in a combined Foot-O/Trail-O ranking composed by the four results of all the events, summing up the time gap in seconds from the leader in each competition (as for the Pre-O relay event, the resulting time is made by the time at the time controls plus 30/60″ penalty for each mistake at time controls / Pre-O controls). Please note that winners of Foot-O races in MElite and WElite will both get zero seconds as a gap.


Foot-O Race Director: Dario Citterico
Trail-O Race Director: Agostino Letardi
Course setter: Daniele Guardini


  • email: info@asdorsamaggiore.it
  • phone: +39 329 095 4604

Whereabouts and embargoed areas: